My Dream's Way
Game Authors:
Yulia Zhuikova, Marina Rostova

Who is it for?
Dreams, Goals, Manifestation, Quality of Life
2h - 3h
About the Game:
Explore the world of your dreams! Get into your subconscious mind, understand the best way for you to achieve what you want, identify your hidden resources, create the roadmap to your dream, and watch it unfolding in reality.
Everyone with a dream and an aspiration to make it come true; anyone, who wants to get better in any area of life
Modes of Play:
in person, online, individual (1:1), group (up to 6 players)
Why Play
The game “My Dream’s way" is for you if:
• You’ve stopped dreaming and are not sure what you want in life
• You have a dream, but do not know how to make it come true
• You are doing everything you can to achieve your dream, but without results
• You have a dream but do not believe it is possible for you to achieve
• You lack motivation to achieve your dream
• Something constantly holds you back and prevents you from achieving your dream
• You have a dream but you do not know, how to start
The game helps you to gain clarity about your true desires and dreams and define the key steps needed to achieve them. The key outcomes from the game include:
1. Formulation of your Dream
• You will be able to clearly articulate your dream and goals
• If the initial dream is not well-defined, the game helps refine and reshape it, making it more precise and truly yours
2. Exploration of the foundational areas underlying your Dream
The game guides you through five key areas where you analyse how each aspect influences your dream:
• Relationships (how your relations with yourself and others contribute to or hinder your dream);
• Spiritual Development (which beliefs and values play a role);
• Finances (how financial resources and mindset affect your journey);
• Self-Fulfillment (what talents and professional aspirations align with your goal);
•Health and Body (how your well-being affects your energy level and ability to move forward)
3. Identification of Internal and External Limitations
• During the game, you will be able to identify which beliefs, fears, or habits are holding you back
• You will identify external & internal factors that hinder the realization of your dream
4. Identification of Supportive Resources
• You will gain an understanding of which resources (financial, emotional, social) are necessary to achieve your dream
• You will recognize strengths and skills you can leverage in the process.
5. Development of Strategic Thinking and Personal “Roadmap“
• You will create a concrete action plan based on your awareness of obstacles and available resources
• You will document your insights and conclusions in the "Roadmap", which becomes your personal guide to achieving your dream
• By the end of the game, you will have a clear understanding of the specific steps you need to take to make your dream come true
The "My Dream’s way" game not only helps define a dream, but also provides you with deep insights about yourself, your abilities, and the resources around you while shaping a clear action plan to bring your dream into reality
Example Requests for the Game / “Dream” statements:
• I would like to earn $20k per month by the end of next year
• I would like to find the love of my life and get married within a year
• I would like to get promoted to the Senior Director by the end of this year
• I would like to buy my dream house with cash within the next 5 years
• I would like to get into good physical shape by this summer
• I want to write a book and become a TED speaker within the next 3 years
• I want to start my own business at the beginning of next year
How to Play:
Follow our events or connect with My Dream’s Way Game Hosts Veronika Khromykh; Zhanna Sutton; Tanya Stern; Iryna Butsenka; Julija Kolesnikova
Game Rules
• The game starts with each player formulating their dream according to the suggested rules. Players then roll the dice to get a number between 1 and 5 to start the game. If a player rolls 6, they must reformulate their dream statement before proceeding.
• Each player, in turn, moves through the five sections of the board—Relationships, Spiritual Development, Finances, Self-Fulfillment, and Your Body—based on the number rolled on the dice. Each board cell helps the player understand what supports and what hinders them in achieving their dream. The cells include activities, reflections, and conversations with the game host and other players.
• As players progress through the sections, they gain and lose resources, identify personal steps to achieve their dreams, and record their insights in the roadmap form. Each section contains a “Magic Feather” cell, signifying that the player has gathered all necessary insights from that section and can move on to the next. If a player lands on the “Lucky Charm” space, it means they have gathered all key insights from the game, and their dream will come true.
• The game ends when: 1) the set time expires; 2) 50% of the players have collected all five “Magic Feathers”, or 3) a player lands on the “Lucky Charm” space.
To be published shortly